Art of Dream Weaving: Lesson 4

The Essence of Conscious Dreaming

What will you as the Dreamer dream on?
The one of many faces who travels in discovery of their story unfolding…?



The Essence of Conscious Dreaming
In four easy steps!

I want you to deepen in your dreaming practice so I am taking you off into a different direction for this week’s lesson.  This lesson will give the essential technique in easy steps for conscious dreaming.

This week is a time to catch up and integrate what you have learned.  You are invited to practice the simple steps of Conscious Dreaming and bring your first three cards with you on your journey.   Next week we will explore the final archetype in this series.

Download the eBook PDF – Into Avalon:  The Art of Dream Weaving
This a great little eBook for reference!


The Essence of Conscious Dreaming – 4 simple steps:

  • Be in a quiet place.  Music is not necessary but helpful.  It quiets your mind, activates your imagination and dulls outside noise.  This can help you ease into the dream state. Music that is mellow or meditative works best.
  • Choose a focus, question or set an intention. You can also set an intention to be open and receptive and allow a question or experience to arise that best serves you.  It depends on what you desire to achieve.  Once in a quite state of receptivity, a question can arise and you can drop this seed of a question into the dream time.  It is important that you set up some type of inquiry or intention.  Wandering about the dreamtime without any focus  can become overwhelming and not serve you in a constructive way you can use in your life.
  • Scribe in your journal what shows up in your experiences, preferably as they occur …even if it does not make sense.  Like waking from a sleeping dream, your experience will leave your memory quickly.  If this is too disruptive you can scribe directly afterward.  To stay in the flow, don’t worry about spelling or neatness.  Note what you see, hear and feel.
  • Honor and anchor the new wisdom received though your creativity.  Include in that expression how it informs you in your daily living.  The message it brings you.  Making art, walking, dancing and singing are just a few things you can do to ground your experience.

Once you practice a few times, you’ll get the hang of it.  Use the material for reference and consider the cards you have already made to see what insights they offer you.

If you feel impulsed to create a card or some art work, feel free to do so.  This is optional.  Do ask your card questions and allow the card speak to you in its own voice from its perspective.  Remember it is an aspect of yourself and you have visually created it as a responsive receptive mirror.  Images can help to prompt an inquiry and intention.


A few considerations while dreaming:

Mind Play

The mind will want to discount images or experiences that show up.  It will nudge you with mind talk like:  it does not make sense, this can’t be right, it’s only your imagination, and it’s not real.  Kindly thank your mind, ignore what it is telling you and scribe what experience, feeling or symbol shows up.  An answer could be within that you are unaware of.

 Scary Stuff That May Show Up

As in nightmares when sleeping, scary stuff can show up in conscious dreaming.  You can tell it to “be gone”.  If something shows up you are not ready nor want to deal with, you can thank it for showing up and tell it to leave. You are the Dreamer and this is your dream.   Empower yourself!

 Seeking Answers

Don’t be overly concerned with the answer to your questions.  Remember you are seeking the questions as creative inquiry and answers will shift according to what is happening in your world.  This will not be the only answer — just the answer for where you are now during this point in time.

You may feel you have not received answers.  Answers show up in many ways and often not all at once.  The answer may show up unexpectedly or much later than you expect.  How often have answers come while taking a shower, going on a nature walk or while on vacation!


You are welcome to Listen to the music of  Into Avalon

This is offered to expand your experience of integration and rest as you explore your inner guidance and visit the dreamtime.




Audio of Adams music:  Stone and Water

This week simply explore and journal, notice what happens as you feel the dreamtime and continue to connect in the journey that is happening now.  You are welcome to make art if you desire but rest and catch up if its needed!

What did you find in dreamtime?
Did you feel inspired to create art?
What did you discover?


Lesson Activity Summary:

Download:  The eBook PDF – The Art of Dream Weaving Essential Notes Practice:  the simple steps of Conscious Dreaming & create your art.
Listen: Audio – Music
Muse:  Journal Depth Inquiry Questions
Share:  Share your discoveries! 

Feel free to share your art, responses to journal questions and insights you have discovered in our sacred circle on the Facebook Group… HERE!



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Please do not share any part of this course: emails, passwords or links – it is for your personal use only!