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Enter the Journey Into Wisdom & Weave Art, Life & Myth
Into a life you love!
As an artist, author, coach and way guide, I offer my art, creative products, and classes centered around the power of... immersion journey experiences to discover your mythic story & though transformative art...uncover new wisdom to inform & inspire you in daily living. My desire is to help spark your creativity & discover your creative voice though understanding your mythic story, how to weave your insights into art you create and into a life you love!

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Get your Free Video Lesson:
Art as Personal Story - How to Make a SoulCollage® Card, with artist Deborah Sie.
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Wise Women Create
This is an inspirational journey space and way gate for those traveling on the journey into wisdom and back to True Self.
Here you are inspired to explore your own mythic story and discover how to:
- hone your Way Mastery—your unique navigation skills
- uncover the gold of your inner wisdom
- Remember your heart felt purpose
- Reclaim the guiding light of your own truth
Offered are artworks, classes, inspiration, and creative products to help you on your life journey!
You have a song within you
– Your soul song!
Be the Source of your own power and destiny! Give your Soul Song Wings!

Join me in a On-Line Creative Arts Journey Experience

Featured Class
The Art of Dream Weaving
Learn more about this exciting six week online course and watch the video to explore the creative journey.
Be the Source of your own power and destiny.
You are the Heroine of your own story!
Deborah J. Sie

Into Avalon
Into Avalon: The Wise Woman’s Journey, is a mythic odyssey adventure experience. It teaches how to reclaim your heart felt purpose and be the guiding light of your own truth.
Through honing your Way Mastery—your unique navigation skills, you will build your capacity to be resourceful, resilient and to grow in positive ways from your experiences. You become stronger as a person, living in joy and honoring your dreams with the Into Avalon Audio Series & eBook Novella.
Engage Into Avalon and Open to Your Mythic Story

About Deborah J. Sie
Deborah J. Sie. M.A.
Deborah Sie M.A. is a mythic artist, author, way guide, and avid explorer! The essence of her artwork and writing is on capturing wisdom stories of the mythic feminine in roles as a powerful, creative, and compassionate presence.
As a coach, DJ offers transformative and experiential process to support women in discovering their own language of the soul. DJ assists women to hear more deeply their own wisdom voice, regain clarity, and recognize themselves as the heroine and co-creator of their own wisdom story. She believes in the power of conscious dreaming –focusing on symbol, metaphor and intuitive process to explore the Otherworld and make meaningful connections that can be woven into new wisdom and expressed within daily life. DJ works with women who wish to discover their heartfelt purpose and awaken their song within. A song that yearns for expression– their Soul Song. She helps women re-connect with their Original Soul Voice and bring the songs of their dreams into the world in ways that are strategic, fluid, and holistic.
Her message is simple: Be the source of your own power and destiny.
Give your soul song wings!
DJ writes, dreams, and paints, in the wilds of the Colorado Mountains.