Into Avalon - Wise Women Create - Deborah J. Sie

About the Work
Begin your journey into wisdom! This is an inspirational space and way gate for those traveling back to True Self! Offerings to support your journey include:
Experiential Journeys – Inspirational writings
Coaching – Artwork – Art Jewelry
Become a mythic traveler! Experience life as a journey of self-discovery. A journey into a deeper context of self that exists in your internal and external worlds and the liminal spaces in between. Move beyond perceived limitations and explore your bigger story. You may be surprised at what you find!
You are the Heroine of your own story! The upcoming mythic odyssey adventure, I have written and produce called Into Avalon: The Wise women’s Journey, holds the context for the creative self-discovery work i offer. The images on this site protray myself in many of the mythic identities I write about.
You are the Mythmaker and the meaning maker. Discover doorways that open into countless landscapes of the wisdom self. Explore the Otherworld of myth, dreamscapes, and unknown places to discover your own language of the soul. Weave new wisdom gained into your daily life and live more fully from your True Self.
Hone your Way Mastery — your unique navigation style to:
Uncover the gold of your inner wisdom
Remember your heart felt purpose
Reclaim the guiding light of your own truth
Be the Source of your own destiny! You have a song within you – Your soul song!
Come visit here often and be inspired on the journey!
You have a soul song within you
Be Fully Expressed
What is Your Soul Song?
You have a song inside of you. It springs from the essence of your Original Soul Voice. It is informed by how you perceive your life’s experiences and what brings you meaning. Only you have lived your life so only you can sing your Soul Song. Your Soul Song may take many forms but there is only one of YOU.
Your Soul Song springs from True Self! It brings joy and meaning into your life. Its expression combines your talents, skills, and life experience, together with a heartfelt and aligned purpose.
As you live your life, your song can be forgotten or hidden under old stories from past experiences about who you think you are and what you should and should not do.
Your Soul Song exists and deep down yearns for expression. It may be that remembrance is an important part of your journey. It was for me!
I surrendered to the flow and realized my Soul Song was singing me!
Give your Soul Song wings!

Weaving the Mythic World with Everyday Living
Live life as an adventure

Artist, Coach, and Way Guide
Deborah Sie M.A., also called DJ, is a mythic artist, author, way guide, and avid explorer!
The essence of her work captures wisdom stories held within the mythic feminine, in roles as a powerful, creative, and compassionate presence. Her focus as coach and way guide is to support women in their process of discovering True Self.
As a coach, Deborah offers transformative and experiential process to support women in discovery of their own language of the soul. Deborah guides women to hear more deeply their own wisdom voice, regain clarity, and recognize themselves as the Heroine and co-creator of their own wisdom story.
As an artist, DJ creates images of the mythic feminine using oil, acrylics, mixed media, and digital art. Her art jewelry is handmade to reflect one’s inner beauty and to serve as a potent journey talisman.
Artist Statement – Mythic Artist – CLICK HERE
Artist Statement – Jewelry Artist – CLICK HERE
She believes in the power of conscious dreaming – focusing on symbol, metaphor and intuitive process to explore the Otherworld and make meaningful connections that can be woven into new wisdom expressed in daily living.
Deborah works with women who wish to discover their heartfelt purpose and awaken their song within. A song that yearns for expression – their Soul Song. She helps women re-connect with their Original Soul Voice and bring the songs of their dreams into the world in ways that are strategic, fluid, and holistic.
As an author, Deborah has written and narrated the ebook and audio series called Into Avalon: The Art of Dream Weaving with music score composed by Adam King. Learn more and claim your free copy! CLICK HERE
She also written and narrated the upcoming mythic odyssey adventure, Into Avalon: The Wise Woman’s Journey. CLICK HERE
DJ writes, dreams, and paints, in the wilds of the Colorado Mountains. Her message is simple:
Be the Source of your own power and destiny

My Personal Letter to You!
Dear Wise Woman
My wish for you, is to be the
source of your own power and destiny.
This is the essence of the Wise Woman’s journey
to sovereignty and reclaimed wholeness.
You are a Wise Woman
You would not be here otherwise.
Deep within you have everything you need
to realize your star dreams.
It’s just a matter of remembering
your wholeness.
You may sense a yearning deep within
undefined, yet calling out to you
pulling you towards something more.
This may be a call into an amazing journey
A call—Into Avalon
A mythical and magical landscape within you
where you as the mythic traveler
explore the larger story of who you are
and who you want to be.
Cross the threshold Into Avalon
Embark on the Wise Woman’s Journey
as the Heroine of your own story
Ignite your creative heart flame
Rekindle the sacred wisdom of your feminine nature
and sit at the feet of your greatest teacher
The Wisdom Self
Enter into your Avalon within to
clear the foggy mists that reveal your True Self
For you have a song to sing
It springs from the wellspring of your true nature
From your Original Soul Voice and is
fueled by your heart felt purpose
It is –your Soul Song
Journey Into Avalon
Reclaim the guiding light of your own truth
Be the Source of your own power and destiny
And shine like the star you are!
Sing the song you were born to sing
–your Soul Song
The world needs this. Yes it does!

Be fully expressed from a radiant heart!
Give your Soul Song Wings!