Contest Winner: Once Upon a Dream

I am excited to announce my image: Once Upon a Dream, won first place in the Digital Art/Photoshop contest held by Woody Walters, award winning photographer and digital artist. There were over 80 submissions. The image is one of my acrylic paintings combined with Photoshop effects and digital brushwork. The original painting is not done but I saw an opportunity to re-purpose it into a new work of art. The challenge was to create a work with a vintage feel and sparked this writing!
Reinvent the Old Into New
What if instead of buying new stuff all of the time we used our creativity to re-purpose what we have into something new and wonderful?
The desire for something new often be fulfilled by re-purposing one thing into something different. Much fun can be had by using your creativity to innovate something old into something new. The image on the right was was re-purposed for the contest from the image on the left into a different work. The actual painting will look very different when it is finished.
I began to wonder about what else could be re-purposed. Here are a few thoughts. Photos in old magazines can become fun art collages you can hang on your walls. A good friend of mine cut up an art print that was damaged and created two beautiful cropped pieces of art now framed and displayed on her wall. You know that room you don’t like in your home…remake it into a more pleasing space with a new feel. And the junk that that seems to accumulate around the house ~ can become the next adventure!
Getting out of the box a bit: What about re-purposing old thoughts that no longer serve you into new ones that serve you better? How about relationships where new boundaries or new ideas to do things together make them a more positive and fun experience?
What can you re-purpose in your life to create something new?