The Big Studio Clean Out

Have you ever noticed that sense
of peace and contentment after sprucing up a space?
Life over the last few years
has been a hectic situation of constant change.
I have noticed when my surroundings are
are in disarray and scattered all about
it transfers that chaotic energy to me
and I feel the same way.
Its hard to think, to focus and
a sense of anxiety is always present.
Now that some major projects are done
I have started creating art again.
It became clear quickly,
the studio needed to be reorganized.
No simple task as
our home is six sided creating angular spaces.
Finding a spot for the easel
to have natural light without glare
was a major challenge.
The result is the image above!
This was jazzed up
for an Etsy studio shop that may happen someday:)
I am sure this will change again
but for now the clutter is gone from the space
and gone from my mind.
Things have their special place
so I don’t waste time hunting them down.
I feel ready to begin
something new!
How about you? What is a space you could spruce up and
reorganized to bring peace of mind?