Recent blog posts
Are your thoughts so full of what needs doing it seems like you don’t have the time nor the inclination to create the new things you would like to do? A current musing, as I continue my Big Clean anti clutter binge beyond my studio into other living and work spaces. When my environment is…
Read MoreHave you ever noticed that sense of peace and contentment after sprucing up a space? Life over the last few years has been a hectic situation of constant change. I have noticed when my surroundings are are in disarray and scattered all about it transfers that chaotic energy to me and I feel the same…
Read MoreI am excited to announce my image: Once Upon a Dream, won first place in the Digital Art/Photoshop contest held by Woody Walters, award winning photographer and digital artist. There were over 80 submissions. The image is one of my acrylic paintings combined with Photoshop effects and digital brushwork. The original painting is not…
Read MoreWhy daydream? Information bombards us daily from the outside world. If you are a lifelong learner, you may find it overwhelming to constantly be learning new things. Have you ever noticed when you are taking in a lot of new information, how suddenly it seems to just slide through your mind? It won’t stick. This…
Read MoreThis image serves as a reminder, to remain calm during turbulent times especially when things occur that are mostly outside our control. Turbulent energies can blow through our lives and appear to warp the world around us. By remaining calm and centered within ourselves, we can let much of this turbulence wash over us. We…
Read MoreYou may have noticed the feminine images on my site and in my posts are of myself in a variety of mythic identities. Some images were taken in professional photo shoots and required much time and preparation. Lately I have had fun doing spontaneous shoots as the spirit moves me without all the prep to…
Read MoreOne of the challenges in creating is ~ there are so many options! This is an image of 8 variations narrowed down from many more I created in Photoshop. The base image was created last year and called The Mother of Dragons. The base image was created last year and called The Mother of Dragons. …
Read MoreThis is a SoulCollage card I created for my personal card deck called: The Spiral Path of Time. Making these cards is a fun and intuitive process that invites self-discovery. Each card represents an aspect of self that holds its own unique wisdom. As a creative, I chose to share this card, as there are…
Read MoreA new painting started some time ago. An acrylic on water color paper, Waiting to be completed, As an artist, I go through dry spells– Do you? Lately it seems like I can’t get into the studio. and too many paintings are waiting to get done! Time is not the only culprit, That keeps me…
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I am DJ and this is a space where wisdom stories are shared about art, life, and myth. Here is where I weave discoveries from my own life into word, image and mythic story. Each post is a chronicle that holds a bit of wisdom. May these posts spark your Wisdom Voice

Meet Wisecracker
At times, this feisty fairy shows up to speak her truth. On the rebellious side, she tends to not care what other people think and freely gives her opinion. She has as a tendency to tell it like it is and name the “elephant in the room”

Creative Process Peeks
Artworks, Jewelry, and peeks at my creative process are offered here along with sharing stories of discoveries through art, art process, and creative inspiration. At times artwork and art jewelry is posted for sale here first before it is offered publicly.